ロマンス、昔話、御伽噺といった伝統的な物語では、主人公が父を知らずに、また叔母に育てられるという型が見られます。 アーサーは前者の、ハリーポッターは後者の例と言えましょう。 歴史上の人物だった渡邉綱も、叔母の真柴に育てられますが、羅生門の鬼の片手を切って成敗したところ、鬼が真柴に変装して現れ、それを取り返します。
There are a number of traditional stories such as romances, ballads, and fairy tales, in which the hero is often brought up without his father, like Arthur, and sometimes by his aunt, like Harry Potter. Watanabe-no-tsuna, who was famous for killing an ogre in Kyoto, was such a case, although he was a historical character (953 -1025 ).
Next to the Mita campus of Keio University are situated Tsuna-saka and Tsuna-machi, where Tsuna was reputedly born and grown up by his aunt, Mashiba.
There are no less than three wells in the vicinity, each designated as his birth place. Tsuna fought against an ogre at Rashomon in Kyoto, but he paid him a visit in disguise of Mashiba, snatching away his right arm deprived by Tsuna.