私は、1990年に大英博物館で観たFake?The Art of Deception (ed. by Mark Jones with Paul Kraddock and Nicolas Barker)のカタログを取り出してみると、そっくりな作りのミイラであることを知りました。
なお大英博物館のミイラは、有末精三陸軍中将の縁戚に当たると思われる精次郎がHRHPrince Arthur of Connaught(ヴィクトリア女王の孫)に贈ったものでした。
The Asahi Newspaper, evening issue, 13th February, featured ‘the mummy of a merman’ long cherished and worshipped at a temple in Okayama Prefecture, and betrayed the analytical research conducted by Kurashiki University of Arts & Sciences.
They claim that they identified it as a composite of parts of various fish and animal skins. The news reminded me of the exhibition at the British Museum, called ‘Fake? The Art of Deception’ held in 1990, which included two such mermen on display: they were made in Japan in the 19th century and imported to Europe as Eastern curiosities. The international trade from Satsuma-han to Europe was already common at that time.
The British Museum’s exhibition catalogue referred to various characteristics shared by the Okayama merman and the BM example, which was presented by Seijiro Arisue to HRH Prince Arthur of Connaught, a grandson of Queen Victoria.