


私は84 Charing Roadを読んで、そこに描写される配給制度について驚き、クオリッチ古書店のプール・ウィルソン重役と話し込んだ経験があります。戦勝国イギリスでも、敗戦国の日本でも共通した物資不足があったことは驚くべきことでした。これを思い出しながら、川端氏の分析を読みました。

After productive period working on William Morris and his time through translations and critical works, Professor Yasuo Kawabata of Nihon Women’s University has increasingly turned his attention to George Orwell, publishing a number of highly acclaimed works on him. Orwell’s 1984: How to Survive Distopia, published by the Keio University Press in April 2022, is certainly Kawabata’s latest criticism.

Making a detailed analysis of Orwell’s descriptions, sometimes flashing back on his own experiences, he took up a variety of post-war aspects of life in Britain, where many citizens had suffered rationing, for example. This reminded me of some impressive scenes of rationing vividly described in 84 Charing Cross Road. I can recommend Kawabata’s book as both informative and entertaining.

