中世写本との出会い My Encounter with Medieval Manuscripts


バイネッケ図書館website http://exhibits.library.yale.edu/exhibits/show/making-the-english-ms/professor-takamiya-collector

On 18 September 1968, at Yushodo’s pilot shop which opened in an annex of Isetan Department Store in Shinjuku, I acquired a rare book catalogue issued by Robinson, mostly of Sir Thomas Phillipps provenance. Then, the Kelmscott Chaucer and medieval manuscripts followed, until the late Professor Fumio Kuriyagawa detected highly marked up prices in Yushodo’s catalogues. My three-year-study in UK was spent to make a comparative study of pricing between UK and Japan. A few Years ago my collection of more than 100 medieval manuscripts and fragments ended up at Beinecke Library, which became the best library in USA in terms of three Canterbury Tales and one Astrolabe.

