アーサー王伝説 第3回「起源と発展」(#23)アーサー王伝説はどのように生まれたのか?アーサーは本当に実在したのか?ベイドン山の戦いでの勝利とメシア思想、メドラウト(モードレッド)の登場
Arthurian legends were originated during the decline of the Roman Empire. After they had to abandon Britain, there were battles between the invading Saxons and the defending Britons. Gildas, in On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain (c.550AD) alludes to him, and his battle at the Mount Badon, and Nennius refers to him as ‘war leader’ ‘in Historia Britonum (c.830) . Giraldus Cambrensis mentions Arthur and Mordred who fell in the battle. Arthur emerges as a Christian hero.
挿入動画 ティンタジェル城 Tintagel Castle ruins on Cornish coast, aerial view(Adobe stockライセンス)
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◆アーサー王伝説 第2回「教育」はこちら
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